Lash Queen Sexy Blacks Waterproof Mascara
Brand: Helena Rubinstein
Brand Line: Helena Rubinstein Lash Queen Sexy Blacks Waterproof Mascara
ID: #70034
Sold for a year | 161 |
Type of make-up | Mascara |
The types of mascara | The volume |
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Jonna Ling
11.06.2016Not too fantastic a mascara. Not too fantastic if you are looking for a mascara, there are better brands out there. I never re-purchase.
Efrat Glowinsky-David
14.04.2018best mascara ever. Have been using this mascara for ages, I love it a lot and buying again and again
杨 烨
13.06.2017褰╁. 杩欎釜鐗屽瓙鐪熺殑寰堜竴鑸?涓嶇煡閬撲负浠€涔堝彛纰戜竴鐩撮偅涔堝ソ 鎴戝嚑涔庢墍鏈夋閮借瘯杩囦簡 娌℃湁澶ぇ鍒嗗埆 鏁堟灉涔熸槸涓€鑸埇
刘 冬
16.11.2016特别好用. 睫毛膏一直用HR家的,而且防水款比不防水的卷翘定型效果更好
Llohan Saez
1.07.2015MUY BIEN. Muy Bueno, en el tiempo estipulado y de la calidad ofrecida. Muy conforme con la compra